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Monday, August 22, 2016

Quick and Easy Teacher Dry Erase Board!

I teach 7th grade math and I like to make it fun for my students. One of the methods I use in order to engage my students in learning is to have them write on their desks with dry erase markers. Students LOVE it and they participate more. 

My problem? The teacher table I use has a dark brown top, so when I write on it to show my students how to solve problems it's difficult for them to see what I am writing when I display it via projector onto the white screen in front of the room.

I came up with a solution for that!  All I needed was a large sheet of white paper and clear con-tact paper. Ta-da!!!! Problem solved!

First I taped the large sheet of white paper to my table. You can see the tape on the corner, but it doesn't show on the screen.

I then sandwiched the large white sheet of paper between the table top and the contact paper.  I will admit, it was easier to do with my husband helping me.  So, consider it a job for two people.  That way there will be no bubbles or creases.  One person peels off the backing a little at a time holding the con-tact paper at a 45 degree angle while the other person is smoothing it down from side to side.

And there you have it!  A white dry erase board that makes it easier for my students to see what I am writing when I display it via projector onto the screen in the front of the room!

The dry erase marker comes off with one swipe!  I already wrote on this one and erased.  Can you tell?

By the way, I used Con-Tact Clear Transparent Brand.  I haven't tried other brands, so I don't know how easy it is to clean the dry erase marker off of those.
Con-Tact Self-Adhesive Shelf Liner

I hope this helps anyone else that has this problem!!!

There might be other solutions some of you may use, however, this is the solution that worked for me. I just wanted to share!!  :D

Just to clarify, my students also have dark brown tabletops, but they don't have trouble with reading what they write with a dry erase marker.  It's only when I display my tabletop with a projector, it becomes difficult to see what I am writing.

Click HERE to see what I have my students use as erasers.

Thanks for reading and have a wonderful day!!!

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