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Thursday, October 13, 2016

Candy Corn Math

Fall is in the air and so is MATH!!!

I made this candy corn math activity to use to check for understanding for our unit on equations. I figured it would also make a great display as well.

I had each student choose two problems and I gave them permission to talk it out with a partner, if needed. When they were done, I had them check their answer by looking at the answer key that I taped to the front of the room.  If they got the answer correct, they were to turn it in. However, if their answer was incorrect, they had to take it back to their desk to figure out where they made the mistake.

Some students wanted to do more than two!  Wow! Students asking for more math problems!  Who knew?

Anywho! When all students were done, I explained to them that I wanted to hang their work as pennants on a string.  They jumped right on it!

We figured out that this was the best way to put the candy corn pennants together. We taped a long piece of string to the whiteboard. Then taped the candy corn equation with the back facing us. This turned out to be so much easier.

Then we had an awesome crew display it in the hallway. These kids worked so well together putting these up. 

Here they are! Don't they look great!

Here's another view.  My students are very proud of taking part in activities like this. They especially like to point out to their peers which one they did!

You can find this activity HERE

I hope this was helpful!  Thanks for reading and have a great day!!!

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